This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package 'couchdb' has no installation candidate I did a combination of the following things, which didn't work. 常用函数,事务的学习,您将学到什么是事务的提交,回滚,并发操作及脏读,幻读. So the package name should fine. 在最美的年华,做最好的自己,加油!, FC10382: This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package somePackage has no installation candidate Extremely annoying and useless error that doesn’t tell you much on how to fix it. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package 'libmysqlclient-dev' has no installation candidate 06-05-2017, 03:51 AM #2: hydrurga. Package openssh-server is not available but is referred to by another package. 深入解读字符串的长度、复制、链接、比较等方法 This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package msttcorefonts has no installation candidate Package aptitude is not available, but is referred to by another package. Package python is not available, but is referred to by another package. 这编码问题困扰了我一上午,终于解决了,谢谢!, hp2019112233: # Gemfile gem 'paperclip' gem 'aws-sdk', '~> 2.3' or our paperclip version is 4.1.0 then we need to use 'aws-sdk' version < 2 (note: add version less than 2.0 otherwise you will get paperclip error) gem 'paperclip' gem 'aws-sdk', '< 2.0' Run bundle install and restart the Rails server after modifying the Gemfile. 不正经的kimol君: psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"? 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. If your paperclip version is 5.1.0 then we are using 'aws-sdk' version 2.3. 最后视图,存储过程,索引的学习,将会带你掌握更高级的数据库技术. Done Package aptitude is not available, but is referred to by another package. Done Package php5 is not available, but is referred to by another package. E: package has no installation candidate Linux is no doubt a great operating system. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source. 以上掌握技能之后,将会带你学习如何进行多表操作,关系的建立,各种连接查询等. Registered: Nov 2008. I haven't changed my sources list after installing, could something in the sources cause this? new ( uri . I've attempted to include more information than was in that question, including the results of every suggestion in … Done [COLOR="Red"][B]No candidate version found for ncftp No candidate version found for ncftp[/B][/COLOR] No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed. If you get this error when trying to upload to S3, you need to assign this IAM User the “AmazonS3FullAccess” Policy. 代码实战学生管理系统显示学员信息 Distribution: Linux Mint 20 … So, we can easily find the ruby path using :- passenger - config -- ruby - command When we run then we will get like :- Command: /home/rohit/.rvm/gems/ruby -2.1.10/wrappers/ruby Version: ruby 2.1.10p492 (2016-04-01 revision 54464) [x86_64-linux] To use in Apache : PassengerRuby /home/rohit/.rvm/gems/ruby -2.1.10/wrappers/ruby To use in Nginx : passenger_ruby /home/rohit/.rvm/gems/ruby -2.1.10/wrappers/ruby To use with Standalone: /home/rohit/.rvm/gems/ruby -2.1.10/wrappers/ruby /usr/bin/passenger start Add that line in passenger.conf file, WHEN WE ENTER , SHOW LINE NUMBER IN TEXT AREA HTML PAGE:- <%= text_area_tag :query_editor, '' :name => "query_editor", :class => "add_query_editor" %>