Flexibility is an important characteristic in adaptive selling. /Descent -211.9141 Sales Skills Training. Each module is tailored to match your team’s unique needs. /Subtype /CIDFontType2 /CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def /CMapType 2 def 3 0 obj Your new hire gets to work alongside you and absorb the sales process, see … << /Type /Font Know what to expect, whether the encounter is face to face or phone to phone. <0016><0016><0033> stream %���� <0015><0015><0032> 4 0 obj Highlighting the sales training sellers need to excel at quota attainment, new business development and account growth, this program hones and develops universal sales skills. endbfrange /CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (Adobe)/Ordering (UCS)/Supplement 0>> def <0039><0039><0056> /XHeight 518.5547 >> <0047><0047><0064> <0009><0009><0026> /Pages 3 0 R Sales Training Workshops Increase your sales performance growth by 6X when you Certify on the skills of Action Selling in an open workshop. Imparta’s sales training solutions are modular and highly customizable to match each organization’s selling environment, challenges, and needs. <0025><0025><0042> <003C><003C><0059> <000A><000A><0027> endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end /CIDSystemInfo <0056><0056><0073> ���- ��espB0̗ ���F�����x�_��KڜYB�º�. You can choose a single hyper-specific course such as consultative selling skills or opt to build a comprehensive learning infrastructure such as your very own Sales Academy. Objective: At the end of the training Trainees should be able to: Identify and demonstrate sales techniques in script delivery, finding decision makers, getting pass the gate keeper. endobj 68 beginbfrange %PDF-1.7 Set strategic meetings 4. stream /Ascent 905.2734 Attached ppt will give help while crafting other training modules as well. Many books have been written on “ How to Sell “ and this manual is specially pin-pointed to the field of welding. Here are a few pointers put together from the experiences and learnings of the great patrons of this field. <0036><0036><0053> 6 0 obj teaching slides to be used in training sessions and other educational activities in which these modules can be used individually or in combination. Through Dale Carnegie's sales training courses, you'll learn to generate more leads, resulting in increased sales performance. /FontDescriptor 7 0 R <004F><004F><006C> ���*J(:��GAV��啰��)�B &T����=� C�y�;��T0IG�p����#��F"��h8�+�Ȩ�1"�������+�ш��Q�D���g=�g�j3�;��ܹxw��^f���x�"�&�O7����ɏ/�O3�R�FF��30��ãJ���ၻ�����( %���� <0024><0024><0041> The module covers 9 areas. 2 0 obj >> Appropriate Enquiring /Count 29 /Flags 32 <0032><0032><004F> Selling Skills Training . >> <0050><0050><006D> At the core of this training course, participants will learn and practice a proven, step-by-step sales questioning model they can use immediately in any sales situation. The problem is that sales training is a broad and complex topic. Selling requires the person to be adaptable to a variety of situations, making the most of opportune times to encourage customer loyalty and increase sales volume. <0030><0030><004D> <0037><0037><0054> Companies in the U.S. feel the same way. << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 30082 >> This module looks at the key areas for excelling in the role of Sales Executive in greater depth. <> begincmap <0003><00B6> The best sales training is always the easiest to put into action, the simplest to understand, and the Lead by example with your sales training and you’ll have a strong Number Two willing to follow you into battle. This sales course will develop the participants’ skills, behaviour and confidence to sell over the telephone and face-to-face. /PieceInfo << /EOPDF << /Version ( /Flags 1 >> <0004><0004><0021> IMPAX The free sales training above is a great way to try out our application and see what you think. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Participants practice scenarios to improve their ability to: 1. /FontName /NGEBIQ#2BArial#2CBold <0038><0038><0055> <0045><0045><0062> <0034><0034><0051> endcodespacerange Training manuals … Coordination begins at the time training is proposed and continues even after it is delivered and participants leave. <0051><0051><006E> <0028><0028><0045> << /Type /Catalog This comprehensive SALES TRAINING has been prepared especially for you – the sales person. of this sales training course, and then look for how you can add more sales skills to each stage of the sales process. The manual is written from modules developed by the training team on the stoves commercialization project and th e OEF international Small businesses book. 2 0 obj 3. <005C><005C><0079> We believe that training should be fun, 8 0 obj Sales training is made up of subset skills: Making a good first impression, analysis of customer needs, presentation and explanation of your products, answering possible objections, persuasion, negotiation and customer service. <002D><002D><004A> /CapHeight 715.8203 <005A><005A><0077> <001D><001D><003A> endobj WHY CHOOSE DYNARGIE ABOUT Dynargie is a dynamic management consulting and training company dedicated to influencing and managing positive change in both people and organizations. /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 4 0 obj 12 dict begin <0044><0044><0061> Can u pls mail the some good Sales and selling skills training PPT. <0055><0055><0072> Our Action Selling and Customer Relationship Professional Workshops are customized solutions focused on long-term reinforcement. /CIDToGIDMap /Identity <002E><002E><004B> endobj endobj /Subtype /Type0 <002B><002B><0048> Therefore, throughout the modules of this course, the subjects discussed will include topics of sales management (module 1), the selling models and frameworks (module 2) that support sales planning, which relates to the hard skills that may be applied. endobj /Kids [14 0 R 19 0 R 25 0 R 28 0 R 31 0 R 34 0 R 37 0 R 39 0 R 42 0 R 44 0 R 47 0 R 49 0 R 52 0 R 54 0 R 57 0 R 59 0 R 62 0 R 64 0 R 67 0 R 69 0 R 73 0 R 75 0 R 77 0 R 81 0 R 83 0 R 86 0 R 88 0 R 91 0 R 93 0 R] <0058><0058><0075> SELLING SELLING SKILLS Ad-ons are low value article, but they play a BIG role in increasing the sales Page 32 33. Sales training provides techniques that assist people in effective preparation for meeting probable clients, in having more productive sales conversations, in handling hostilities and in smoothly closing a deal.. << /Type /Font This module provides trainers with a useful way of introducing sales skills training to those already in a sales role and those new to sales. Also this module is a mere handbook of guidelines. <0035><0035><0052> Cross-Selling and Upselling training participants strengthen their ability to engage in strategic dialogues, access the full resources of their team, and successfully implement an individual/team cross-selling strategy. <0027><0027><0044> Basic Selling Skills 7 Preface At MTD Training we will design and deliver a solution that suits your specific needs addressing the issues and requirements from your training brief that best fits your culture, learning style and ways of working. The manual consists of sessions which are in order, and each session has the objective spelt out, the training materials and preparations required, and possible discussion questions. << /Ordering (Identity) <0057><0057><0074> <004E><004E><006B> …�y����2o/�yއ�6�(RxuKT\$@'l�, ��Ȅ���m�p'��6�l�{�c��盶c|m�4Ħ�8�#�Eқ�3?���$�z�s��(L+����?3!�0*� <000F><000F><002C> >> It can also be used as an icebreaker to illustrate the need for change and to highlight areas for improvement. Building customer relationships and meeting their needs is at the heart of this selling skills course specifically designed for frontline retail sales professionals. <002F><002F><004C> /ItalicAngle 0 It is a standard format that can be used by organizations. /Registry (Adobe) When your sales team goes from 0 to 1 or 1 to 2, sales training is easy. >> Complete professional sales skills training package including slide, trainer guide, workbook, activities and exercises two day program ... Module 1: The professional selling skill set Controlling a conversation Using the power of questions The OPEN question selling technique Sales Training Programs What is sales training? SELLING SELLING SKILLS Closing the sale Page 33 Take the Customer to Billing Counter Collect required information Bill the products Thank the customer 34. Sales Training and Sales Coaching programs based on 5 Critical Selling Skills and a structured sales process. <004D><004D><006A> /BaseFont /NGEBIQ#2BArial#2CBold <0011><0011><002E> Enumerate techniques in building rapport and apply them in role plays. While 85-90% of sales training fails, yours doesn’t have to. <0033><0033><0050> That’s because we understand how enduring relationships lead to loyalty, which creates a lucrative sales pipeline — and that ultimately catapults you over your goals. Gain higher and wider access into a client organization 3. Our sales training programs deliver 94% learning engagement and our learning system boosts knowledge retention by 170%, so skills are learned, applied, and transferred on-the-job. It was validated in two stages, and contains the distilled wisdom of this consultative process. <0048><0048><0065> 1 begincodespacerange <0049><0049><0066> <005B><005B><0078> endobj <000B><000B><0028> <0026><0026><0043> <0022><0022><003F> <003A><003A><0057> /StemV 0 Free Sales Training Materials. endobj The Most Effective Sales Training. <002A><002A><0047> 1 0 obj That makes your sales team the lifeline of your business. <002C><002C><0049> Sales Training Manual Template is a manual format that establishes terms and rules for conducting and recording observations about Sales Training. <0014><0014><0031> When effectively operationalised, the module should ensure that participants are given adequate opportunity to gain skills that will help improve their functional efficiency. endobj Effective Sales Training is a 4-day (2+1+1) programme, consisting of 5 modules. If you want to drive results for your reps, team, and company - sales training is the most important investment you’ll make. << /Length 1687 >> <0029><0029><0046> <0013><0013><0030> <0054><0054><0071> /ToUnicode 5 0 R Greeting 2. <00B6><00B6><2019> endobj Implement a “we… Although a lot of training coordination takes place during the design phase, coordination is very important during all phases of the training process. Developing Sales skills is a continuous process. <004C><004C><0069> /DescendantFonts [6 0 R] Action Selling incorporates training, reinforcement and transfer innovations that ensure these skills will be learned and consistently used on the job. %PDF-1.4 XG�� |E�^U]}��s�f2��@B2! 1 0 obj They spend $20 billion a year training their sales reps. 7 0 obj x��\mo�6� �A�C͈o�T,rȾ6w�v��p8�ൕD�#���4��f�K���&����E����g��N�֛�z6�xoޜ�m6��m��~?��W�\=���/��4�m���p�))���DpOF��['�G����u��V� j5{{u|t�z��8��������IE�:�����ӥ�n�����ߢ�ۧ���˳�. Professional Selling Skills® is a research-based sales training program designed for every seller — regardless of position or tenure. << /Type /FontDescriptor /BaseFont /NGEBIQ#2BArial#2CBold Our modules are meant to effectively support your organization’s sales training through hyper-focused areas of instruction that focus specific sales techniques. /Supplement 0 <0031><0031><004E> 3 0 obj Inbound Sales Pogram This module will teach sales people the following skills and competencies: Opening the Call Sales agents will interactively teach the required manner for answering calls and ensure that the caller remains confident and that their concerns will be handled in a professional and caring manner. Explore our sales training enrichment content by visiting the area’s listed below. Because Module 1 (Marketing) is an overview of the whole series it only includes components 1 and 3. <001B><001B><0038> Think creatively about a client’s needs and identify a broader range of opportunities 2. These selling skills can be learned. <0046><0046><0063> Position a cross-sell idea more effectively 5. endstream mail me at Regards, Ifthekar quote=Rajeev Saini;418080]Dear Friends,:) I m quite sure all of my sales trainer friends will get wonderful ideas and help while designing sales training programme. <004A><004A><0067> <0012><0012><002F> Sales Training Programs. <000C><000C><0029> …A note of caution when looking for further sales training to add to this basic sales training course. Ґ��%W�F�}y�C] *r���킮����p�5�����U]}��(����EDdz��� �����OR]]���U���wUUa�� �!�L_|K0�����[f-�}����^�P�csfN����C����s�±���+��3�[�ʫl�2����o�>�/Bۮ��놩Kx����� �o�z�̍#K���,y���R{�u���\oY�p�nt�g�`F���iJ�}L��I���Iv����pF2�~��g��8Q����h8��G��s(�F.4m���. <0053><0053><0070> This module has been compiled by taking in to consideration the vitality of these soft skills/life skills. <> /W [3 [278] 5 [474] 54 [667] 68 [556] 79 [278] 72 [556] 86 [556] 85 [389] 70 [556] 82 [611] 81 [611] 87 [333] 76 [278] 74 [611] 88 [611] 83 [611] 75 [611] 71 [611] 73 [333] 80 [889] 16 [333] 17 [278] 55 [611] 38 [722] 51 [667] 39 [722] 89 [556] 91 [556] 90 [778] 92 [556] 69 [611] 36 [722] 37 [722] 42 [778] 48 [833] 9 [722] 47 [611] 4 [333] 50 [778] 41 [611] 29 [333] 78 [556] 43 [722] 58 [944] 34 [611] 40 [667] 44 [278] 77 [278] 56 [722] 53 [722] 49 [722] 20 [556] 19 [556] 15 [278] 11 [333] 12 [333] 84 [611] 52 [778] 46 [722] 10 [238] 182 [278] 60 [667] 57 [667] 45 [556] 21 [556] 22 [556] 27 [556] 18 [278]] <0010><0010><002D> 'S�{W�������?O���4�û����@�Ղ\��$Vm���m4��&�/���~�4���og�_\L����/� Y� )�z_�� �?$K=��@)'AhB�ј$�f}|#N���k�A!Q�2B�����1h�H�Ӕ��;c On this section of the website there are pages of free articles and training materials for you to download. 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