The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The continuous line of diamonds used to encircle the ring's circumference can be done in a variety of ways. The watch is water resistant to 30 meters and has a circumference of 8 inches. Find more ways to say circumference, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Although freely borne, they are not at all showy, the feature of the tree being its fruits, over 2 inches in circumference, which become red and eventually purple. A vertical transmitting antenna sends out its waves equally in all directions, and these can be equally detected by a suitable syntonic or other receiver at all points on the circumference of a circle described round the transmitter. Its diameter was about equal to its height. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. In the most favoured districts one well-grown plant of Phormium will spread into a mass 30 or 40 feet in circumference and 8 to 10 feet high, with flower-stems rising several feet above this. Accordingly, we find in Vieta a formula for the ratio of diameter to circumference, viz. The circumference of the world is 40,076,600 meters at the equator. It Would Be Necessary To Consider The Curvatures Of The Fluid Surface At The Edge Of Attachment. To measure your waist circumference, place a fabric tape measure around your abdomen, directly above your hipbone. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. long >.< ... Well it all depends on what the sentence is about, like is it about a egg or what exactly are you asking or telling the circumference of? Finding your waist circumference is easy; simply take a measuring tape and measure the slimmest part of your waist. Assessment of severe malnutrition among hospitalized children in rural Kenya: comparison of weight for height and mid upper arm circumference. "Heart shake" is often found in old trees and extends from the pith or heart of the tree towards the circumference. The circumference of the waist became slightly less important than the slimness of the hips and shape of the butt. in circumference; when young they serve as food for cattle, but after a 'few years' growth acquire great toughness of texture. In this case the ideal product of our individual is also represented by a point on this circumference. The d stance from thread to thread, measured on a circle described about the axis of the screw, called the pitch-circle, may be called the circumferential pitch; for a screw of one thread it is one circumone circumference ference; for a screw of ii threads, Let r denote the radius of the pitch circle; n the number of threads; 0 the obliquity of the threads to the pitch, circle, and of the normal helix to the axis; F,) Ipitch, P~ ~- the axial -~. (verb) You have a waist circumference over 40 inches and are a man. The circumference of the fore-foot is half the height at the shoulder, a circumstance which enables sportsmen to estimate approximately the size of their quarry. French Translation of “circumference” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. is the median plane of the second pair the The fraction of leaf; and when the leaves are leaves are placed the circumference arranged alternately on an laterally, and so of the stem exaxis so that their median on. These cookies do not store any personal information. First, use a tape measure to find out the circumference around your rib cage, just below your breasts. A half hoop ring has stones or diamonds that cover only the top half of the circumference of the ring. At Shrubland the culms of plants imported seven years ago are 19 feet 5 inches high and 4 1/4 inches in circumference. To use this type of ring size chart with an existing ring, slide the ring onto a taper candle or carrot, mark where it comes to rest easily, and measure the circumference at that point. metalline speculum, whose surface is flat, and the circumference oval. cubits in circumference, ten in diameter. Proceeding thus it gradually works its way from the circumference towards the centre. Observations upon captive specimens have led to the conclusion that it feeds principally on juices, especially of the sugar-cane, which it obtains by tearing open the hard woody circumference of the stalk with its strong incisor teeth; but it is said also to devour certain species of wood-boring caterpillars, which it obtains by first cutting down with its teeth upon their burrows, and then picking them out of their retreat with the claw of its attenuated middle finger. The circumference is defined as the distance around something round or rounded, especially the distance around the edge of a circle. Let V5 denote the velocity of advance at a given instant, which of course is common to all the particles of the body; a the angular velocity of the rotation at the same instant; 2,r = 6.2832 nearly, the circumference of a circle of the radius unity. Also be sure the circumference of the baseball bat's handle is right for you. If d is the distance between the plates at the edge of the film and II the atmospheric pressure, the pressure 2T of the liquid in the film is II - d cos a, and if A is the area of the film between the plates and B its circumference, the plates will be pressed together with a force 2AT cos a +BT sin a, and this, whether the atmosphere exerts any pressure or not. Disturbances of the former kind lead to vibrations of harmonic type, whose amplitudes always remain small; but disturbances, whose wave-length exceeds the circumference, result in a greater and greater departure from the cylindrical figure. Reducing waist circumference can have a beneficial effect on your health, said the doctor. Thus a continued fraction equivalent to 7r (the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle) is I I I I II 3+ 7+15+7+292+i-1-i+ .. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. How to use circumference in a sentence. It will be seen at once that the leaves are arranged in orthostichies marked I.-V., and that these divide the circumference into five equal portions. 107. The wheel carries a series of cups placed at equal distances around the circumference. The leaf base is of ten developed as a sheath (vagina), which embraces the whole or part of the circumference of the stem (fig. "Men should have a waist circumference less than 40 inches" "A rope two inches in circumference " "Two inches in circumference " "You can walk the entire circumference, a distance of 1.3 km" in circumference, and its total area is about 710 sq. The circumference of the outer ring of fortifications is over twenty miles. after any number of reflections at a spherical surface of rays, which are either parallel or diverge from a point on the circumference. use "circumference" in a sentence Demala Maha Seya, which was never completed, had a circumference of feet ( m). Another major factor is your waist circumference, which is a good indicator of the amount of abdominal fat you have. 3. Accordingly, the equilibrium is stable if A be less than the circumference; but unstable if A be greater than the circumference of the cylinder. ", It was revised and kept alive by Jeremy Bentham in his fanatical scheme for a "panopticon or inspection house," described as "a circular building, an iron cage glazed, a glass lantern as large as Ranelagh, with the cells on the outer circumference.". Hence the equilibrium of a cylindric film whose length is greater than its circumference is unstable. When a finger-glass (an inverted bell), is excited by passing the finger round the circumference, the tangential motion is primarily excited and the radial follows it. by the fear that, if it were greater, the blast would penetrate so feebly to the centre that the difference in conditions between centre and circumference would be so great as to cause serious unevenness of working. The rectus sheath or external oblique aponeurosis was clearly exposed around the circumference of the defect. 4, when it ought properly to sink almost to the top of the stem, the surface tension of the water around the circumference of the circle of contact, AA', providing the additional support required. - Globe in Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris a celestial globe (an older globe by Ho-shing-tien, 4 metres in circumference was produced in 450), and an atlas of the empire on a large scale by Thu-sie-pun (1311-1312) of which new enlarged editions with many maps were published in the 6th century and in 1799. The concentration of the various Japanese armies on one battlefield was to be made, not along the circumference of the long arc they occupied, but towards the centre. The tube C should have a diameter of from 12 to 15 mm. When Addis and Arnold's Catholic Dictionary denounces the conception of central dogmas, what they desire to exclude as uncatholic is the belief that dogmas lying upon the circumference may be questioned or perhaps denied.'. one turn and two leaves; the third leaf being placed vertically over the first, and the divergence between the first and second leaf being one-half the circumference of a circle, 360/2==180°. Afghanistan, Nepal, Eastern Turkestan, Tibet, Mongolia, Manchuria, China, Japan, the Eastern Archipelago, Siam, Burma, Ceylon and India at one time marked the magnificent circumference of its conquests. 116+3 sentence examples: 1. A well-grown plant projects less than a foot above the surface of the ground; the stem, which may have a circumference of more than 12 ft., terminates in a depressed crown resembling a circular table with a median groove across the centre and prominent broad ridges concentric with the margin. deep, and their circumference only that of the tower. Several 17th-century writers extend the " empire " to the north of the Zambezi, Bocarro giving it in all " a circumference of more than three hundred leagues. However, fragile X symptoms may include a large head circumference and oversized testes in males. Hence, in any pair of circular wheels which work together, the numbers of teeth in a complete circumference are directly as the radii and inversely as the angular velocities. 3), fixed to the telescope by the screw i, has rack teeth on its circumference that receive the teeth;of an endless screw w, which, being fixed by the arms xx to the oblong box mn, gives the latter a motion of rotation round the axis of the telescope; an index upon this box points out on the graduated circle gh the angular rotation of the instrument. The ratio 47r would thus first appear as the ratio of the average breadth of a circle to the greatest breadth; the interpretation of 7 as the ratio of the circumference to the diameter being a secondary one. Use “circumference” in a sentence | “circumference” sentence examples. The expansion of the flowers is in this case centrifugal, that is, from apex to base, or from centre to circumference. Even If The Tension At The Circumference Of The Tube Acted Vertically, And The Whole Of The Liquid Below This Level Passed Into The Drop, The Calculation Would Still Be Vitiated By The Assumption That The Internal Pressure At The Level In Question Is Atmospheric. 13, Pg); the exine extends over two-thirds of the circumference, leaving a thin portion of the wall, which on collapsing produces a longitudinal groove similar to the median depression on the pollen-grain of a cycad. The bole of the stem is slightly over a yard in circumference. The whole area extends to 42,200 acres, with a circumference of 56 m. in circumference, covered by a thick bed of a reddish-brown clay, and apparently resting on a yellowish-grey sandstone. which is covered through about one-half of the circumference. in diameter and about half a mile in circumference. Similar weighted levers around the circumference of the mirror provide the edge support. Grande Terre or South Island forms three-fifths of the circumference. The exam includes measurements of length and height, weight and head circumference (the distance around the head), vital signs, and a general physical examination. To find the circumference of the finger, cut a strip of paper no more than one-quarter of an inch wide (any wider may distort measurements because most rings are thin) and wrap it comfortably around the finger where the ring will rest. We may also notice Kepler's approximate value for the circumference of an ellipse (if the semi-axes be a and b, the approximate circumference is ir(a+b)). ‘The circumference of my thighs was reduced by between half and a quarter of an inch.’ ‘You can walk the entire circumference, a distance of 1.3 km.’ ‘I had to measure the circumference and calculate the diameter to make sure it would fit in and out of my doorway!’ How do you use cirumference in a sentence? in circumference, and contains about 100,000 families. In wheels which rotate continuously for one revolution or more, it is obviously necessary that the pitch should be an aliquot part of the circumference. 13, is an example of another class of centrifugal ventilator, in which a close casing is not used, the air exhausted being discharged from the circumference directly into the atmosphere. Sentence example with the word 'circumference' circumference ambit, bourns, coordinates, discus, face, integument, marches, outer skin, radius, skin, wheel Definition n. the size of something as given by the distance around it Last update: January 10, 2017 While the average circumference of an adult head is around 21 or 22 inches, if your head is somewhat larger than that, or if you have "big hair," you may need a hat in a size larger than standard. In most cases such wheels merely have earthenware pitchers attached to their circumference by means of wisps of esparto, and are turned by a horse harnessed to a long arm fitted to a revolving shaft. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. in circumference and a Narinj Kalah (citadel) stands in the south-east corner. The bottom, slightly conical, has a groove near the circumference to catch the amalgam, which is withdrawn through a discharge-spout into a bowl. EPICYCLOID, the curve traced out by a point on the circumference of a circle rolling externally on another circle. It was 10 feet in height and about 100 feet in circumference at the base. in circumference, were hung with trees and o rushwood, and at their base stretched a wide grassy plain, where attic grazed and the wild boar lurked in the thickets. The fungus, which is chiefly within the leaves and stems, seldom emerges through the firm upper surface of the leaf; it commonly appears as a white bloom or mildew on the circumference of the diseasepatches on the under surface. , Empty bottles were stacked around the circumference of Donald’s wine cellar. 4) the paddles were revolved by hand at such a speed as to produce a constant torque on the calorimeter h, which was supported on a float w in a vessel of water v, but was kept at rest by the couple due to a pair of equal weights k suspended from fine strings passing round the circumference of a horizontal wheel attached to the calorimeter. in circumference and inhabited by a people superior to any he had met in piety and courage, love of justice and reverence for learning. A given straight line being viewed as equal in length to the circumference of a circle, he sought to find the diameter of the circle. If the pericentre is fixed, this is an actual revolution; but if it moves the anomalistic revolution is greater or less than a complete circumference. The castle is a quadrangular structure of great strength, with rounded towers at three of the angles, and has a circumference of about 400 ft. Hence if one of the disks be made to approach the other, the internal pressure will be increased if the distance between the disks is less than half the circumference of either, and the pressure will be diminished if the distance is greater than this quantity. Observations were made on a ring in a pine-wood for a period of nine years, and it was calculated that it increased from centre to circumference about 82 in. Measure your ornaments at their widest circumference before buying your fringe, and multiply that measurement by the number of ornaments you plan to make to determine how much fringe you need to buy. in circumference and surrounded by a mud wall flanked with towers. The expression 27ra for the length of the circumference can be deduced by considering the limit of the area cut off from a circle of radius a by a concentric circle of radius a - a, when a becomes indefinitely small; this is an elementary case of differentiation. Examples were pulled from our literature database and sorted, but have not been approved by an editor. 20 sample sentences for CIRCUMFERENCE. circumference. 2. The conclusion from these therefore was that the ratio of circumference to diameter is 34 This is a most notable piece of work; the immature condition of arithmetic at the time was the only real obstacle preventing the evaluation of the ratio to any degree of accuracy whatever.5 No advance of any importance was made upon the achievement of Archimedes until after the revival of learning. high and 50 in circumference at the base. waist circumference is thought to be a better measure of helping you maintain your heart health than BMI. His prime objective was to measure a degree on the equator to calculate the circumference of the Earth. in circumference; it is shaped like the earthern amphoras with a foot far too small to support it, and must no doubt have had a stand, probably of gold; the greater part is covered with a most exquisite design of garlands and vines, and two groups of boys gathering and treading grapes and playing on various instruments of music; below these is a line of sheep and goats in varied attitudes. From the centre, processes (s) go to circumference(t), ending in curved placentaries bearing the ovules. The Yokohama tires provide an overall rolling circumference of 75 " . gaiter region, thus increasing the ankle circumference. The stuff from the stamps is conveyed to the middle of the muller, and is distributed over the mercury, when the gold subsides, while the quartz and lighter materials are guided by the blades to the circumference and are discharged, usually into a second similar mill, and subsequently pass over blanket tables, i.e. the area of a lune or meniscus is expressible as the difference or sum of two segments, and the circumference as the sum of two arcs. in circumference, and presents on all sides a perpendicular face of rock 50 to 200 ft. is about 10 m., its greatest breadth 6 m., its circumference, owing to the winding nature of the coast, about 37 m. When measuring a ring, however, be sure to note whether the measurements are for the interior or exterior circumference and convert the numbers to the proper sizes. in circumference, are in places well preserved. Rec: Record position to flash memory. The courtyard is provided with mastaba benches around its walls, and its white plastered walls have a red line around its circumference. These suburbs (beginning on the north and following the circumference eastward) are Schaerbeek, St Josse-ten-Noode, Etterbeek, Ixelles, St Gilles, Cureghem, Anderlecht, Molenbeek and Koekelberg. To help get the big hose back onto the radiator, smear a little grease over the outer circumference of the junction. In some of the plans the cells are on a circumference, and in some on radii. The hip circumference was measured at the greatest circuit. The two types of ring size charts are used differently; the most common variety is simply a table of measurements that converts the circumference of the finger to the appropriate ring size. If left untreated, these warts can grow to an inch or more in circumference and spread into clusters of several warts. all round the anterior circumference of the head; and both jaws are armed with bands of long pointed teeth, which are inclined inwards, and can be depressed so as to offer no impediment to an object gliding towards the stomach, but to prevent its escape from the mouth. Also called macrocephalia and megalocephaly, macrocephaly is diagnosed when the circumference of the head is more than two standard deviations above average for the child's age, sex, race, and period of gestation. The largest known chestnut tree is the famous Castagno di cento cavalli, or the chestnut of a hundred horses, on the slopes of Mount Etna, a tree which, when measured about 1780 by Count Borch, was found to have a circumference of 190 ft. On the circumference of the earthern circle or surrounding rampart (not shown on plan), which is here intentionally broken, a great recumbent stone - the slaughter stone - lies along the axis: and across the axis, near the central curve of the inner horseshoe, lies a fine recumbent stone - the altar stone-15 ft. high and a mile in circumference at the base. In later pregnancy ultrasound assessment of the fetal abdominal circumference is the most sensitive predictor of fetal weight. circumference measurements as well in these socks! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. An example of circumference … The central three-quarters of the breadth of tread this band must be continuos around the entire outer circumference of the tire. The fort rises from a huge mass of granite rock, which with a circumference of nearly 2 m., juts up abruptly to a height of 450 ft. use "circumference" in a sentence The redwoods each measure at least 20 feet in circumference and are over 100 feet tall. in circumference, and have been replaced by boulevards, but within them there is a considerable extent of cultivated ground. Imagine taking a string and stretching its end around a perfect circle to touch the other end. According to theory, there would be no well-defined lower limit; on the other side, the external vibration cannot be efficient if it tends to produce divisions whose length is less than the circumference of the jet. The circumference of the edge is 27rr, so that the resultant of this tension is a force 27rrT cos a acting vertically upwards on the liquid. Instruct guests to cut the yarn to the circumference size they believe matches the new mommy's tummy. In the same way we may show that if the distance between the disks is increased, the pressure will be diminished or increased according as the distance is less or more than half the circumference of either. 99, p. 167), using Froude's turbine to obtain the highly resisting spiral vortices, and arranging passages in the casing for the entry of water at the hub of the wheel and its exit at the circumference. 3. Abdomen circumference - measuring technique differs slightly for men and women. The circumference of the earth is almost 25 000 miles. Thoresby Hall & Spa Grounds:: located on-site The Hall is surrounded by Thoresby Park which is more than 12 miles in circumference. This stress is balanced by the pressure p acting over the area of the same great circle: it is therefore equal to 2 p. To determine the intensity of the surface-tension we have to divide this quantity by the length of the line across which it acts, which is in this case the circumference of a great circle 27r. The Cismegiu or Ci§migiu Park, which has a circumference of about r m., is laid out between the Plevna road and the Calea Victories; and there are botanical and zoological gardens. If anything, just bulking up the muscles without putting in the time on the Stairmaster will most likely increase the total circumference of your waist. (sərˈkʌmfərəns ; sərˈkʌmfrəns ) noun. 192. They had a circumference of about six English miles, and were fortified with towers at regular intervals. in circumference, surrounded by low hills. The colony of the insane is established in the farms and houses round the little place within a circumference of 30 m. in circumference, consisted of a core of rubble and concrete, coated with ancient stones, inscriptions, sculptures and architectural marbles, forming a striking sight, which no traveller ever examined in detail. The shaft height on this one is about 12 inches and the calf circumference is 16 inches. 70. in circumference, is celebrated for the tradition that Huayna-Capac, one of the great conquerors of the Inca dynasty, defeated an army of rebellious Carranquis on its shores, and threw so many of their bleeding corpses into it as to turn its waters to the colour of blood. 13.7) as 43 stades (about 52 m.) exclusive of the portion between the points of junction with the long walls extending to the Peiraeus, but the whole circumference cannot have exceeded 37 stades. The tattoo artist will take the design you want and will enlarge or shrink it to the circumference of your wrist. The lines radiating from the circumference are generally swirly and may have additional, secondary swirly lines coming off of them. Typically the water level is uniform and will run around the entire circumference of the tub. Depending on the approximate circumference of each cake tier, slice one or more circles inside of the tier, then divide the outer ring(s) and the inner circle into slices that are about equal in size. With the Child Growth Percentile Calculator, simply enter your baby's height, weight and head circumference in order to see in which percentile your baby currently falls. If the moving circle rolls internally on the fixed circle, a point on the circumference describes a "hypocycloid" (from inr6, under). In the middle of the western part of the island lies the large lake of Wakolo, at an altitude of 2200 ft., with a circumference of 37 m. in circumference, adorned with decorated stones (which have disappeared), and contained an inner wall, 65 ft. in circumference, made of uncemented stone flags. in circumference, but these are now in great part demolished. This method has the advantage of equalizing the work of the engine throughout the journey, for when the load is greatest, with the full cage at the bottom and the whole length of rope out, the duty required in the first revolution of the engine is measured by the length of the smallest circumference; while the assistance derived from gravitating action of the descending cage in the same period is equal to the weight of the falling mass through a height corresponding to the length of the largest lap, and so on, the speed being increased as the weight diminishes, and vice versa. Definition of circumference in a sentence Demala Maha Seya, which you find! Less than its circumference at the circumference of the circle have thus been, since the of. That ensures basic functionalities and security features of the earth is almost equal to that of an infinite.! Is small world is 40,076,600 meters at the greatest circuit since they are designed the. 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