>> I think it's more related to the fact that the actions of the regex parsing implementation when optimized sufficiently is very close in implementation to C code that steps through a char array Still not blazing fast, but more like what I would expect from an interpreted language… Of course I have Rakudo running on the JVM, and I’m benchmarking it after the JIT compiler has squeezed every last little bit of performance it can out of the code it’s given. I still think it's interesting that well formed regular expressions are performant enough in this circumstance to make them a preferred alternative of the many options. Perl was specially designed for text editing. (Actually, Rakudo’s built-in %% operator is dynamically typed; and though for well-behaved types it always returns a Bool, it is not declared as such. Detach. Finally, The Best Perl Program in the World is ready to release. [1] http://search.cpan.org/dist/Moose/lib/Moose/Manual.pod Note: these test runs are from Linux. You could decide to use java or any high level languages based on its merits, but being fast is not one of them. Debug. If you are on Windows, you may see a choice of ActivePerl and Strawberry Perl. Learn Perl A modern programming language. split REGEX - If STRING is not given, splitting the content of$_, the default variable of Perlat everymatch of the REGEX. Most of it is a thin layer over C code so you get the best of both worlds(unless you're the Numpy maintainers). my Int @primes; Open a text editor (Windows, macOS, Unix/Linux) creating a … Easy answer: it's not. Could it be that list comprehension that’s causing the slowdown? Active 3 years, 10 months ago. [4] https://github.com/frasertweedale/elk Bring it on!”Speed Racer vs Anakin SkywalkerPhoto © 2010 JD Hancock CC BY. @primes.push($_) unless $_ %%-any @primes for 2 .. $max; The first is in the nifty new upto operator, which is a list comprehension. In the end, it was something as simple as the following approximation: But the original benchmark was ridiculously biased in favor of Perl by not actually doing anything in Perl. Or to turn it around, if we’re checking whether 11 is a prime number, we only have to check up to sqrt 11. So not only do I have to debug my code, but I also have to debug the tools, discover how far I can push the compiler before it breaks, and then develop a workaround. What it has that they don't have is significant whitespace. The main benefit of using a regex in Perl is that I get what is probably a fairly close approximation (all things considered) of a C implementation of that without having to write any C, and without having to marshal data back and forth to a library to accomplish it, with very simple and concise code. Even so, this simple adjustment produced a significant speedup, primes-loop (1000) found all 168 primes in that range in “only” 2.3 seconds. And install the missing module using 'pacman' command. How fast is rlm_perl. Perl is a general-purpose programming language originally developed for text manipulation and now used for a wide range of tasks including system administration, web development, network programming, GUI development, and more. I recall anecdotal reports that Perl was faster than egrep in some cases. My %%-any operator doesn’t try to do anything fancy to speed up execution, except that it returns a result as soon as it can determine one. Well said :). For instance, is the Perl AND term written &, &&, or and?Perl … With anything that has to compute intensely, like audio, video or 3d work, the differences are way over 3000 times slower. Fortunately, that result array never gets constructed, because we’re evaluating it in sink context. Why Python Is Slow: Looking Under the Hood. >once I got over the "oh my god it's full of whitespace" thing. And unfortunately, it’s as fast as Perl 6 gets. -TimK. There are a couple of new things happening here. Basically grep on OS X appears to be badly broken somehow. The middle function, primes-inline-loop-upto-sqrt, does the same, except that it also bails out of the inner loop, with $is-prime = True, as soon as we check up to the square-root of the candidate prime. 6. > Another way of putting this is: your regex wasn't actually an XML parser. > That would probably mean that SAX bindings for Perl to a C parser would have to take a full SAX attribute hash and turn it into a Perl attribute hash. Check you have Perl installed by typing the command below into your command line program: perl -v. Now create a 'perl_tests' folder to save your test files into, you will need to be able to find this from the command line. This is not too surprising. return True if $n %% $_ for @a; So it isn't that "Python is interpreted" that is the problem, because "Perl is interpreted" in exactly the same way. That’s an 82% reduction in the number of iterations, at the price of doing another comparison each iteration. I want to repeatedly search for values in an array that does not change. Perl can be embedded into web servers to speed up processing by as much as 2000%, mod_perl allows the Apache web server to embed a Perl interpreter. primes-inline-loop-upto-sqrt(1000) ran in 2.311 seconds (σ = 0.131 seconds). SAX does have some inefficiency built in, like how it turns attributes into a dictionary internally before giving them to the application. The top function, primes-inline-loop(), in its inner loop, performs a trial division for each prime so far discovered, until it finds one that is a factor. And when run on the JVM, I’m also allowing a period for warm-up (JIT optimization), which is also not timed. A regex that captured attributes and content and assigned name/value pairs directly out to a hash. To get efficiency benefits you need a language/compiler designed around static typing. Let’s say we’ve discovered the following list of primes: 2, 3, 5, 7. split REGEX, STRING, LIMITwhere LIMIT is a positive number. Even so, that boils down to some 280,000 CPU clock cycles per inner loop (on my old 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, with one core tied behind its back). FWIW, the latest Rakudo on MoarVM gives these results on my Mac: $ time perl6 -e’sub primes-any (Int $max) { Sure 5G will be fast, but there a lot of different technologies that go into determining how fast it is in different environments. Tens of thousands of CPU cycles wasted just by adding or removing one seemingly insignificant line. The following can be said of almost every declarative statement in this document: "that's not, strictly speaking, true; the situation is actually a lot more complicated". It gives you the knowledge of what computers are really doing under the hood. Close the command prompt or terminal session. Doing a Perl-type problem in a general-purpose language would be considerably slower. loop (my $n = 2; $n Int $prime { Larry Wall on Perl... Perl, the first postmodern computer language Diligence, Patience, and Humility" in … At least if I understand the theory correctly.). For a Perl-type problem (scanning and parsing big files), Perl is very fast. > I really do think it has to do with grep swapping out regex implementations based on features needed. It was for me, but I feel that what Moose gave me in Perl was a bit of a band-aid over the fact that it's such a malleable open-ended dynamic language. If not, it could lead to legal issues. Unfortunately, this makes the code slower (not faster). (That’s the smallest number that has at least two prime factors which are all at least as great as 5.) If Perl is not already installed, download the installer and install it yourself. Still, 10x is pretty bad. > If Perl is actually being competitive in the unfair benchmark, the benchmark should be made more fair by actually putting some logic in Perl, and writing the equivalent logic in C. At that point, you would start to see C win again (modulo any inherent inefficiencies in grep's regex engine). FastCGI is a binary protocol for interfacing interactive programs with a web server.It is a variation on the earlier Common Gateway Interface (CGI). If you only got a 2x speedup there is something wrong. 1: http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html#(%3f%7b-code-%7d), 2: http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html#(%3f%3f%7b-code-%7d). It is specialized to work well FCGI module, which greatly speeds up CGI scripts by turning them into persistently running server processes. The striking thing was that unlike Java (say) where it can be fast but you generally have to think about it, I was getting fast Perl without even really trying. @primes.push($n) if $is-prime; O’Reilly Technical Book Sales, 2003-2005. There is one very important step before distributing binaries to the masses. Rakudo’s Junction implementation, I’m sure evaluates $n %% $_ for every member of @a. return @primes; Hi, Matt. The Perl documentation is maintained by the Perl 5 Porters in the development of Perl. On most benchmarks it's on par with Python, PHP, Ruby, etc, some are faster on one, others on some other test. There’s a lot of cruft in this code, but I’ve highlighted the significant lines, so you can easily see how the three functions differ. Unfortunately, I tried next CANDIDATE, and Rakudo spewed nonsense all over my terminal window, because loop labels are NYI. Unfortunately, Rakudo spent over 11 seconds to find the 168 primes up to 1000. Rather than receive a monolithic build of packages, you'll have: A unified, cloud-based toolchain for Linux and Windows > I used to think that, but it is really not true unless your regex engine contains a JIT compiler. But it really doesn't take much to produce good code if you have a tiny bit of supervision/discipline (which stems mostly from 80% of perl tutorials on the web are teaching 1997-era perl anti-patterns). So we continue on to push it onto @primes. > > regex parsing implementation when optimized sufficiently is very close in implementation to C code. In the above code, we try 11 %% 2 (which is False), and we try 11 %% 3 (also False). Let’s say we’re now examining 11 to see whether it is a prime. Both were announced in 2009, at a time when the Nimrod repository had barely even got off the ground[0]. I really do think it has to do with grep swapping out regex implementations based on features needed. CSV Parsing using ParseCsv PHP class. Secondly, the precedence of our new operator really wants to be is equiv(&infix:), that is, the same precedence as other list operators (like the X operator); but unfortunately Rakudo doesn’t seem to recognize the X operator as something that has an accessible precedence. Using the benchmark mod is pretty easy. Let’s squeeze out every last bit of performance we can by eliminating any interim array variables and function calls. In microbenchmarks, Perl is 2-125x slower than C++: http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/u32/benchmark.php?te... And Java is quite a bit faster than Perl too: http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/u32/benchmark.php?te... Perl isn't really that fast. It's sad that this question hasn't actually even been answered yet. As an ardent Perl lover, I asked this question myself. However, Python or others will perform much better in the "can I read my own code six months later" benchmark. Perl also has PDL (http://pdl.perl.org/), which is very similar in scope to numpy, but predates it by several years. Epic as an IDE for Perl language is widely known for its rich … I'll definitely concede that it's pure conjecture. Rakudo doesn’t always handle array types correctly, https://gist.github.com/MattOates/c2e19950f46d1a1c241a, Musings about Version Control (and other development tools). So it feels like I've come full-circle in my programming career... Nim is pretty awesome and has been around for a while. Here's a speed comparison of running a Perl script on Microsoft Windows vs Linux, using native vs non-native port, and using native vs non-native file system. In one case, Rakudo rightly rejected my code, but gave me a useless and incorrect error message.) ; To interact with the command line and run Perl commands, you need to run 'cmd'. Probably just as well. CGI::Fast is a subclass of the CGI object created by CGI.pm. The expression we’re returning is a for loop, which evaluates to a list of all the values produced by all the iterations of the loop. It divides every candidate integer by every prime that came before it, resulting in some 91,873 trial divisions (and another 91,873 boolean tests). So in 11 seconds (well, 10.93 if you want to be difficult), Perl was able to execute the code 7660 times, or approximately 700 times per second. http://www.infoq.com/news/2014/08/python-type-annotation-pro... https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2014-August/0... https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html#function... For someone mainly in the Python/Java/C++ world is Moose something worth looking at as a mind expansion exercise? It is not its "forte". I re-wrote everything in C++, and picked up less than a factor of two in speed. The last regex matches a variable length string, so it may trigger a much more complex and/or cpu-intensive regex engine to be used. }(1000)’ How to set up Strawberry Perl and FAST on Windows. [3] http://modernperlbooks.com/mt/2009/05/perl-roles-versus-inte... [2] http://radar.oreilly.com/2014/01/horizontal-reuse-an-alterna... I'm not complaining that it uses a regex, I'm complaining that it doesn't do anything else. And unfortunately, it’s … Presumably, it could be optimized to be more intelligent, to evaluate operations on the Junction only so far as is necessary to obtain the desired result. yum install -y perl-devel cpan make cpan Test::More cpan Params::Validate Math::Calc::Units Class::Accessor::Fast Config::Tiny For Debian 7+/Ubuntu 14.04+: apt-get install make libperl-dev libparams-validate-perl libmath-calc-units-perl libclass-accessor-perl libconfig-tiny-perl For Fedora 25+: Solving Multi-Project, Cross-Platform Package Management for Perl 5.32. First, check if the module has been installed: If I had to guess speed is pretty close to C, right. Type in print "Hello World\n"; As you can see statements in perl end with a semi-colon ;. Are your time measurements removing the startup time for the JVM version of Rakudo which is considerable? After a lot of “pain”, I decide to document the two ways to install perl modules (it’s not my creation, just for a memo).. on the shootout on the n-body benchmark, Perl is about as fast as Python, and 125x slower than C++. In the outer loop, it truncates the square-root to force integer comparisons in the inner loop’s conditional. (It is, but let’s not jump ahead of ourselves.) Not so fast! }(1000)’ But clearly it still has a long way to go. The thing is, if neither 2 nor 3 are factors of 11, then no other prime will be, either. A more usual number for Perl is about 100x slower than C++ for numerical code. Your results are interesting and I'd be curious to know why the grep degrades so badly on that last regex. It just so happens that in this case, we’re only interested in the side-effect of the result expression: @primes.push($_). (Or both. I’m finding that I waste an awful lot of time in these situations. This means primes-loop(1000) only has to do 15,620 trial divisions (an 83% reduction). @todo. And more importantly it has had decades of people trying to make it faster without changing the (sometimes crazy) semantics of the language. Unfortunately, all is not skittles and roses, as Rakudo is only mumble-mumble-percent implemented, and not even all at that. A Perl script is a text file, which keeps perl code in it and it can be executed at the command line by invoking the interpreter on your application, as in the following − split REGEX, STRINGwill split the STRING at every match of the REGEX. For a general-purpose problem, Perl won't be particularly fast. That would probably mean that SAX bindings for Perl to a C parser would have to take a full SAX attribute hash and turn it into a Perl attribute hash. I don’t know whether it was the list comprehension. Just look at what Facebook have managed to do with PHP. It is a good idea to learn assembly and disassembly with the debugger before using high level languages. split without any parameter will split the content of $_ using /\s+/as REGEX. (I listed the sigma, that is, the measured standard deviation, of these benchmarks, because even though each function seems to be a little faster that the function before it, the difference between runs of the same function is much greater than the difference between functions.). ($is-prime = False, last) if $n %% $prime; Compared to using Perl for a general-purpose problem, Perl for scanning/parsing is fast. On OS X the Perl results were almost the same, but "grep" was unexplainably way slower. Cool, thanks for entertaining my superstitions :). Only looking at the regex engines themselves would tell you that. The next logical optimization—and I’m sure the mathematicians reading this have been yelling at me through their computer screens, waiting for me to mention this—is to reduce the number of primes we need to examine before we discover a new prime. Mostly I think this is a result of lack of funding and huge company spending. I think it's a matter of what you're comparing it to. > I'm always wary of these kinds of sub-second benchmarks because more often than not you've only accidentally measured just the compilation and startup times. @primes.push($_) unless $_ %% any(@primes) for 2 .. $max; > That wouldn't explain why one regex engine is 5x faster than another. One of the first experiments I tried was to replace the any operator with my own code. That offsets some of the benefit of being able to write in an expressive language, to be able to throw together elegant code quickly and be fairly certain that it will work the first time. primes-inline-loop-upto-int-sqrt(1000) ran in 2.274 seconds (σ = 0.161). my Int @primes; }, sub primes-loop (Int $max) { However, Python or others will perform much better in the "can I read my own code six months later" benchmark. So as a C++/Java programmer this aspect might not be so enlightening to you, except to see how Moose achieves it in a pretty painless way that I think is very nice and idiomatic for a dynamic language (with the caveats that brings). return @primes; I'm always wary of these kinds of sub-second benchmarks because more often than not you've only accidentally measured just the compilation and startup times. Remember this line? Perl 9th. You can … I think they are a pretty good representation of the performance of doing something directly in the language (as opposed to just calling into lower-level libraries written in a different language). But that’s another post.). This doesn't just mean that the syntax has some niceties, but you can actually call Perl code within the regex itself[1], and even use this feature to build a more complex regular expression as you parse[2]. I wasn't trying to imply the regex engine's cost was negligible or the actual machine operations we comparable in a large way. Even small modifications can matter a lot. Again, P6’s expressive power came to the rescue: As you can see here, I’ve replaced the %% any() phrase above (pronounced “…is divisible by any…”) with a new, custom %%-any infix operator. primes-inline-loop(1000) ran in 2.425 seconds (σ = 0.213 seconds). Click here to check out the source code for this article at GitHub. “Bring it on, Anakin! I definitely have a preference for a more declarative approach, and not in the J2EE giant piles of XML way. In a normal universe, it might be worth a slight slowdown to get more maintainable code. Viewed 5k times 18. Script from the Command-line. I'm not sure microbenchmarks are typical. Yeah, Perl 6 lets you do that. Now, granted, this algorithm is exceedingly naïve. Is not. Beginners may find Perl's so-called Boolean expressions to be more complicated than those in other languages. It was introduced by Larry Wall in 1987. It is also one of the best (and easiest) installations of Perl for Microsoft Windows systems. It runs in about 4.3 seconds, which is almost twice as slow as the unoptimized code. > I used to think that, but it is really not true unless your regex engine contains a JIT compiler. Perl is a fairly straightforward, widely known and well-respected scripting language. Roles/traits/method modifiers/MOP/composability etc. At the time when Go and Rust were conceived Nim would have certainly not been on their radar. Perl’s object system is not one of its most admired qualities. Regular expressions are first class citizens in Perl, just as much as Arrays and Hashes. PERL is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. > Complaining that Perl uses a regex and it isn't Perl. Compared to scanning/parsing with C, Perl is not fast. > For a Perl-type problem (scanning and parsing big files), Perl is very fast. Graceful processes, elegant design, beautiful code, and other stuff, # Use a loop-exit flag because labels are not implemented yet in Rakudo, sub primes-inline-loop-upto-int-sqrt (Int, Software Development: A Love-Hate Relationship, Perl 6 function to find all the primes up to a given maximum. Well-written Moose code involves less boilerplate, the declarative nature and composability of classes, types and data members with free type/value validation is a delight to maintain, and results in more robust code with a lot fewer silent failures (or objects happily chugging along silently with invalid state) than typical Python classes. The \n is the sign we used to denote a newline. Actually, we’ve been using list comprehensions from the first. If you're doing numerical computation Numpy will be extremely fast. Of course, now that I can't use Moose and the Python community actively seems to discourage the very thought of relying on any superset of core Python OO features like enthoughts' traits package - I really want to revisit static/stronger typed programming languages for large projects. If Perl is actually being competitive in the unfair benchmark, the benchmark should be made more fair by actually putting some logic in Perl, and writing the equivalent logic in C. At that point, you would start to see C win again (modulo any inherent inefficiencies in grep's regex engine). on Microsoft Windows, running Cygwin Perl in Cygwin terminal, using Microsoft Windows style input dir path (C:/) → 1080 seconds. Perl 6 has even more powerful dynamic typing features than Perl 5. (Shouldn’t have been.) ASCII ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) Table with HTML Entity Names. Because it was written to do (certain) things very fast. Here is, to refresh your memory, the Perl 6 function: For what Perl 6 did in a few lines Perl 5 required a dozen. Helping you get started with Perl. If you want to get technical, Numpy is a continuation of Numeric which in turn pre-dates pdl. Either one ofperl -Mstrict -MBenchmark -we 'my ; timethis -10, sub { }'time perl -Mstrict -we 'my ; for( 0..999_999 ) { }'when run on different variants of code you can think of, can give surprising results. Shameless self-promotion yada yada : http://simula67.wordpress.com/2014/03/20/perl-6-evaluation/. Another way of putting this is: your regex wasn't actually an XML parser. I increased the iteration count by 10x and observed exactly the same pattern: And these one-time/rare/short jobs are much more frequent than intense, high throughput C code like the nginix web server or the node javascript interpreter. Only looking at the regex engines themselves would tell you that. Or whether it was just the process of stuffing values into a whole second set of storage locations… which in a normal universe wouldn’t be that big of a deal. Arrays are actually arrays under the hood (a fact that makes perl's DBI very fast). For now, very briefly (because this post is running long), I’ll leave you with one more series of experiments. Will give these a look for inspiration - thanks again! } I didn't want to give the impression a wrote a general purpose XML parser that beat all the C implementations I could find. It takes a list, applies some condition to the elements of the list, and produces a list of results based on those elements. I could have written a simple parser in C that would have been faster, but the solution I ended up with is quite fast, robust, and very, very easy to debug. Perl is relatively fast and memory compact compared to other modern scripting languages. Complaining that Perl uses a regex and it isn't Perl is sort of like complaining Perl is using hashes, and any fair benchmark between C and Perl should just stick to Arrays. > Your results are interesting and I'd be curious to know why the grep degrades so badly on that last regex. Check installed. You will not be waisting time, waiting for perl to start up and process the script like in case when you use Exec-Program-Wait with perl script. But of course languages with JITs a have massively overtaken it in the performance stakes (PyPy, LuaJIT, and JavaScript). [0]: https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/graphs/contributors. 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